The Johnson’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

Family and friends at the celebration dinner on the cruise ship. (Photos courtesy of family)


PALM BEACH, FL. – A group of family and friends gathered recently on a cruise to celebrate the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Rev. Reginald B. Johnson and Jeanette Johnson. The celebration was organized by their children: Reggie Johnson (South Florida), Cherita J. Cloy and Carrie T. Johnson (both from Boston).

Rev. Reginald B. Johnson and Jeanette Johnson checking out the collage presented to them by their children for their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

The group left from the Port of Palm Beach and arrived early the next morning on Grand Bahama Island.

Highlights from the celebration include cruise ship amenities and activities, a semi-formal dinner, time on the beach and many impromptu photo shoots. Also, the couple’s children presented them with a framed collage of the couple together in 2022 and in 1972. Friends and family shared memories and appreciation; Rev. Johnson thanked everyone for coming along with them on the cruise and everyone who has helped them on their journey over the years.

It was also Jeanette’s birthday weekend, so the family celebrated some more! Too bad there were no big wins from Bingo or any of the dance contests!

The two met more than 50 years ago at Boyd’s Clothing Store at 12th and Market Street in Philadelphia (her hometown). After time in the military and college, the two moved to Florida (his home state), began to work, and start their family. They retired from their public and private sector jobs and now serve as pastor and missionary at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Deland. They are the proud grandparents of two boys: Charles and Reggie (Trey).

The thing about the Johnsons is this: you almost always see them together, whatever they are doing – whether it’s serving in the community or visiting “momma” or church members. They both exercise regularly and eat healthy. What a blessing! Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to the Johnsons! May God continue to bless you!