NAACP October Membership Meeting


ORANGE COUNTY – The NAACP Orange County Florida Branch #5120 will hold its monthly membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, October 28, 2024 at Dorie Miller Memorial Post 331 of the American Legion Department of Florida, 4325 Fairmont Street, Orlando FL. Area, community and civil rights concerns and upcoming Branch Election information will be presented along with current Branch business. The NAACP membership meeting is regularly held on the fourth Monday of each Month at locations throughout Orange County for the convenience and benefit of members in all local areas.

Per the NAACP By-Laws, all even numbered years are elections for the Executive Committee are held for the branches.  At the October general membership meeting, the nominating committee (voted on at the September, 2024 meeting) will submit a report in writing to the membership consisting of names of persons seeking a branch office.  If you are an active member of the Orange County Branch, you received a link to the Election Procedure Manual sent in August, September and now October to membership.   As an active member of the Orange County Branch of the NAACP you are eligible to submit a petition before the October membership meeting to a member of the nominating committee.  Also, those seeking office can be nominated from the floor at the October meeting after the chair of the nominating committee opens up for nominations from the floor.    As we are electing new officers for the branch, this is your opportunity; to ensure that the branch is operating as the great Civil Rights organization it is.  Please remember, your vote counts in this matter as well!!  “Membership Is The Life Blood Of The NAACP”