DAYTONA BEACH – E. Lashon Young, Supervisor of the Women’s Department, and her dedicated, hard-working staff had already set the tone for the three-day 47th Women’s Convention on Wednesday evening, September 13th, 2023. And, Friday evening, September 15th, was no different, it followed with an awe-inspiring presentation of music, and the Word of God, prayer and altar call presented by Bishop Gary L. Hall, Jurisdictional Prelate, Central Florida First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ, licensing and appointments for evangelist missionaries, and finally, “We Furl Our Banner,” the closing of the successful women’s event.
Church of God In Christ praise team and vocalists, assisted by a heart thumping and foot stomping music department, all showed out spiritually, immediately invoking God’s presence with memorable renditions of gospel songs with lyrics like, “Another day with Jesus and I am so glad,” “Feeling mighty happy and feeling mighty glad,” and “Have you tried our Jesus? He’s all-right.”
Prior to introducing her husband, Lady Mary Hall moved the audience with a vivid testimony, describing how good God has been to her, allowing her to minister in a third world country.
Bishop Gary L. Hall, Jurisdictional Prelate, delivered an encouraging message of unity and action for the Central Florida First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Church of God In Christ’s at the final evening of the convention held at the Master’s Domain COGIC at Daytona Beach, Florida.
Highlighting the theme “Arise” from the Old Testament Book of Isaiah, Bishop Hall said, “Be at the forefront of civic activity… Be the church outside of these four walls to meet the needs of God’s people. When the righteous ruled, the people rejoiced. “Bishop Hall encouraged all of us to “walk worthy. God wants something of you, Endeavor to keep the unity. Put forth an effort: one body, one Spirit.
“We’ve got to be united. We’ve got to be one, deliberate, with an intentional effort, so God might be glorified,” Bishop Hall commanded. “Unity, consistent commitment to purpose. Work together in unity – oneness- agreement, working together even reluctantly.”
“Mark them that cause division and avoid them,” Bishop Hall warned. “If you are not spiritual, you’ll find it difficult to maintain unity. You must have an addiction to Christ. God has to be number 1 in our life, because He won’t be number 2. You can’t do it your way! Please God, walk worthy. Do it His way with humility. Learn to be comfortable in humility. You don’t have to be seen or heard. Follow peace. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.” Bishop Hall concluded.
Comments from the audience like, “preach, Bishop”, “Tell it, Bishop”, and “Yes, Lord” were heard every time Bishop Hall made a significant point during his deliberation. Bishop Hall also recognized the work Supervisor Young and the women’s department did for the 47 women’s convention. “Excellence has been the mantra for this week. Our supervisor has been par excellence. She was God’s choice to do the impact, not to impress God, but to be obedient.”
“Appointments of district missionaries fulfill the missions of the Bishop. They are chosen by their superintendents and officially appointed as missionaries of the Central Florida’s district,” Supervisor Young informed the audience just before she presented twenty-two district missionary licenses from the School of Licensing, Impartation, Development (SOLID Academy).
Supervisor Young also mentioned the workers who were able to minister on the streets on Friday, when “people were saved and delivered. We showed we cared about them and God loves them.”
Shekhinah District Superintendent John Christian said, “Everyone should be able to say with truth and honesty that the 47th Women’s Convention has been an informative, entertaining, heartfelt, and spiritual conference. It truly touched the deepest depths of my heart and my soul, from the messages delivered by Pastor Darlene Body, Pastor Renee Winston, and our leader, Bishop Gary Hall, to the memorable program for each night orchestrated by Supervisor La Shon Young and the Women’s Department to the outstanding dinners and lunches provided by Superintendent Raymond Carsell and District Missionary Beatrice Carswell. And finally, to all who made this a very successful conference, the Shekhinah District says, thank you for a wonderful and memorable three-day event.”
“The Women’s Convention was a spiritually motivating and highly impactful time for women and for all who attended. Delegates were encouraged to take a stand or a taller stand in our ministries, homes, and communities, and be who god has called us to be, “ stated Shekhinah District Missionary Constance Christian, who felt “Supervisor Young and her cabinet did an excellent job of planning and executing the Mission.”
Many found it impressive and very thoughtful that both Supervisor Young and Bishop Hall took time to make sure everyone who did something to make the 47th Women’s Convention a success were recognized.