ATLANTA, GA. – Your biography reads like a script of excellence. Born in rural Alabama in the 1930’s, you matriculated at Talladega College and Indiana University, earning BA and MD degrees with honors. After military service and residency training in Otolaryngology in Chicago, you settled down to an active full-time practice in Atlanta. In spite of this, you still found time to participate in the continuing educational and governmental activities of your specialty both locally and nationally. In fact, you served as a director of both leading national ENT organizations (ABO and AAO-HNS), and held various positions of leadership in state and local medical organizations. And you did ENT volunteer work over 20 times in hospitals at St. Lucia and Haiti; you assisted in teaching medical students as an adjunct Professor of Surgery and Anatomy at the Morehouse School of Medicine; you worked both on Habitat for Humanity projects and as a Red Cross volunteer in Atlanta.
But this biography does not tell how you were, as a skilled surgeon and humanitarian, deeply bonded with your patients and cared for them through often seemingly insurmountable situations. It does not show how respected you were by your peers, and deservedly honored by them many times. Nor does it show how committed you were to mentoring young students and residents, giving your time and resources to their teaching and scholarship. But most of all, this biography fails to disclose the deep feeling of love and devotion you have for your family. We have been married for 65 years and together we have four children, three of whom are ENT surgeons and one is a practicing attorney. After retirement, you remained a ‘consultant’ to them both professionally and as their ever-available father. To your four grandchildren and your extended family members, you are a fountain of (often not requested) knowledge and advice. They still bring their problems to “Dad” or “Grand Pa”, or to “Uncle Herb” or “Cousin Doc”. Because of you, we have this strong caring extended family, always ready to reach out and to help out. You have truly made all those who know you better; our family, our community, even the world is a better place because of you— you deserve all your many accolades. So…… HAPPY FATHERS DAY Dr. Herb Jones!