ORLANDO – I, Jimmie Williams, and the residents of Carver Shores in the beautiful City of Orlando joined Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, City of Orlando Commissioner Bakari F. Burns of District 6, Orange County Commissioner Michael Scott of District 6 and Orlando City Commissioner Regina I. Hill of District 5 in celebrating the completion of the Raleigh Street roadway improvements. This project expands from South Kirkman Road to Willie Mays Parkway and right though Washington Shores and Carver Shores. City Commissioner Regina I. Hill said, “This is a testament of the city. Our commitment to the safer and better-connected transit ecosystem in Orlando”. City Commissioner Regina I. Hill also said that “the key highlights of this project include expanded roadways, enhanced pedestrian safety measures, new bike-friendly pathways, and upgraded drainage systems to prevent flooding, but these improvements are about more than just infrastructure; they’re about enhancing the quality of life for everyone in the beautiful City Orlando.” Mayor Buddy Dyer, City of Orlando Commissioner Bakari F. Burns of District 6, Orange County Commissioner Michael Scott of District 6 and City Commissioner Regina I. Hill of District 5 wants to extend their heartfelt thanks to all of the dedicated people who made this project possible. I, Jimmie Williams, have lived in Central Florida for 55 years. I have seen a lot of changes made to our city. This is one of the most important improvements of all. This project was much needed and just as Commissioner Regina I. Hill stated, these improvements are about more than just infrastructure they’re about enhancing the quality of life. At the celebration the residents were excited about the completion of the Roadways project. (#D5 #TheWorkContinues #PromisesMadePromisesKept)