City Of Orlando Commissioner Bakari F Burns Of District 6 Town Hall Meeting @ Holden Heights Neighborhood Community Center 


ORLANDO – This was an amazing moment in history. Why you ask? Well let me tell you why. It’s because this is the first town hall meeting I have ever attended in this new Holden Heights Neighborhood Community center and it is beautiful. It’s the only one of its kind in the City of Orlando. If you live in the city of Orlando, then this community center is for you to use. The town hall meeting covered several things that are going on in the community from gun violence, tree removals, streets and drainage, large vehicle parking, Code enforcement, Policing and so much more. The residents of District 6 came out to get a better understanding of what’s taking place in their community. City of Orlando Commissioner Bakari F. Burns of District 6 is leading the way to inform the residents on all the City departments with what they can and/or cannot do by informing the residents who and what departments to call to get the answers their looking for or issues resolved. It’s was great seeing our new City of Orlando Police chief Eric D. Smith and some of the Officers from the Orlando Police Department. The residents of Holden Heights had some complaints and the different department of the City Orlando to address all the issues and questions with great professional responses. At the end of the meeting the residents were very impressed with their new Chief of Police and their City Commissioner. City Commissioner Bakari F. Burns of District 6 pointed out to the residents that he is there for them, going on to say that this is what he’s here for. He’s here to work for the people. Don’t you miss the next town hall in your district.