Clerk’s Office Hosts Next Free Legal Forum: Public Records

Tiffany Moore Russell 

ORLANDO – Orange County Clerk of Courts Tiffany Moore Russell invites you to attend a free virtual legal forum to learn all about public records. This webinar will be held Tuesday, April 23, 2024 on the Zoom platform from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

This free forum will provide information and answer questions about public records, court records, and sealing and expungement. Featured topics will include what type of documents are public record and how to request them. Participants will also be able to ask questions of the panel presenting.

Legal Matters was created as a service for the public to make legal information more easily accessible. “These forums are one of the best ways to give our citizens more access to justice and access to the information they have the right to know,” said Clerk Russell.

All forums are free to attend. This forum is in a series of free legal education seminars Clerk Russell has conducted since 2015. Other free forums have focused on topics such as probate, evictions, divorce, foreclosure, and guardianship.

For more information, and to register for this Legal Matters forum, go to