Democratic Black Caucus Of Florida Supports NAACP’s Travel Advisory For Florida

Trevor Mallory 


“Due to the repressive legislation that Governor Ron DeSantis was able to get passed by Florida’s predominantly Republican legislators, which basically is an attack on the basic tenets of individual freedom for Blacks, Hispanics, women, immigrants, and the LGBTQ+ community, the Democratic Black Caucus of Florida (DBCF) unequivocally stands united with the NAACP’s Travel Advisory for the state of Florida”, Trevor Mallory, President of the DBCF, emphatically stated.

“Let the DBCF and the many organizations that are coming on board to fight against the repressive actions of Florida’s present administration assure all Floridians that the NAACP Travel Advisory for Florida is not a “joke,” Governor DeSantis. The Travel Advisory is not a “stunt,” Governor DeSantis. The Travel Advisory, Governor DeSantis, is a strategically planned political action initiated by America’s oldest civil rights organization, the NAACP, aka National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,” President Mallory vehemently remarked.

“Governor DeSantis, your overbearing disposition and heavy-handed attempts to take the sunshine state of Florida back to a place, and time in history, like the Jim Crow era must not only motivate Black Floridians to rise up and fight vigorously against your autocratic methods, but should inspire all Americans who believe in the basic freedoms stated in the Bill of Rights,” continued President Mallory, who represents more than 2 million Black voters.

DBCF President Mallory said, “The recent policies and laws enacted by Governor DeSantis put a choke hold on the freedoms of speech, press assembly, and the right to petition the government. We are keenly aware that many DeSantis followers know that his culture of fear, bullying, and intimidation are wrong, but they refuse to stand up to him.  We promise to work diligently to defeat these leaderless Republican legislators at the ballot box at all upcoming elections.”

“Can you imagine a President DeSantis who will represent the dreams and hopes of all Americans? We can’t!” President Mallory stoically stated.

“The time to push back on DeSantis is now! The time to eliminate his campaign for President is now!

Enough is Enough! We will not tolerate any more DeSantis anti-civil rights bills, which criminalizes protests, restricts teaching the correct History of Black people in America, and that create a hostile environment for Black Americans”, reiterated President Mallory.

“We are proud of the oldest civil rights organization’s action to fight back and the DBCF wholeheartedly supports the NAACP’s Travel Advisory for the State of Florida.”

“The Democratic Black Caucus of Florida, an integral part of Florida’s Democratic Party’s infrastructure, was established in 1983. We will mobilize our 27 local chapters, other civic and community organizations, and churches to fight with the NAACP against DeSantis.”

“Yes, together, we will speak up and vote out legislators who will not speak truth to power, and push back on DeSantis, now!” concluded President Mallory.