Mayor Buddy Dyer And City Commissioner Bakari Burns District 6 Celebrating World Senior Citizens Day


ORLANDO – How can you tell when you’re getting old? As for myself, Jimmie Williams it’s when old stuff starts looking good to you, like an old car or an old bicycle. Lol! Think about it. What was the last thing you saw and said to yourself, “I remember when I had one of those old things back in the days!” For the first time in my life I, Jimmie Williams attended World Senior Citizens Day while I am 64 years old. I felt right at home. Lol! With seniors from the senior programs across the City of Orlando gathered at the L. Claudia Allen Senior Center for an ice cream social and games to celebrate World Senior Citizens Day. While some people are familiar with L. Claudia Allen and Beardall as a place for seniors to gather, the City of Orlando now have programs at the Callahan Neighborhood Center, Rosemont Center, Ivey Lane Center, John H. Jackson Center, Northwest Community Center and Grand Avenue Neighborhood Centers. Its places where seniors can play pool, cards, do storytelling, game nights and more. This event is a way to bring community seniors together on a very special day. Mayor Dyer and Commissioner Burns were there to appreciate the active and engaged seniors in our community. The seniors were having a great time eating ice cream, chips, fruit and cookies. I was too! The organizer for this event did an awesome job. City Commissioner Bakari Burns spoke about the importance of taking care of our seniors in the community. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer spoke about how events and days like today give us time to reflect on having these types of senior events throughout the year.