ORLANDO – Near the end of 2023 on December 27th, “Mrs. Jenoria” Hinson celebrated her 103rd birthday as she resoundingly sang one of her favorite songs, “A Charge to Keep, I Have”. “Ms. Jenoria,” as she is lovingly known, celebrated with her church family and friends at Guardian Care Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center. Ms. Jenoria is loved and often referred to as “The Mayor of Guardian Care.” She is well-loved by the residents, the staff, and the Executive Director, Mrs. Eloise Abrahams.
Born on December 27, 1920, she has been placed on the “Centennial Plus” list. Had it not been made aware, no one would have guessed her age. In her wheelchair, she was ushered into the room to a thunderous sound of “Surprise” and clapping hands. The “fashionista” as she is also referred to entered the room clad in her royal purple shirt, jacket, and purple hat. She loves and adorns herself with jewelry. She is and has been a role model to many young women. One of her many “nuggets,” is “That in order to help others, you have to take care of yourself.” One could find Ms. Jenoria exercising and walking (fast) well into her nineties.
Ms. Jenoria hails from Quitman, GA, the county seat of Brooks County, Georgia, the daughter of the late Richmond Mobley, father, and mother, Matilda T. Mobley. She has mentioned several siblings, including her last sister, Annie Ruth Travis who passed away in February 2022. Ms. Jenoria was known to help her mother with the younger siblings after her father passed. She was a housekeeper to Quitman’s prominent dentist, Dr. Clete Huhn, and his wife, Alice Huhn. Mrs. Jenoria served as a nanny to the Huhn children.
Relocating to Orlando, FL in 1941, she soon joined Zion Hill Missionary Institutional Baptist Church. Mount Zion Missionary Institutional Baptist Church is the first Black church in Orlando; organized by Rev. C.J. Scott in 1880 and was under the pastorship of Reverend N.G. Staggers. The church was and still is in the Callahan community of Orlando. Ms. Jenoria says, “All we knew back then was church; we rode to church in a wagon; we would attend morning worship; Sunday School and have dinner on the church grounds; then go to BYPU (Baptist Young People Union).” She says she “Was 12 years old when she came to Christ.” What has given her some of her happiest memories is “When she, her mother, and sisters sang together.”
In 1950 she became a member of Shiloh Baptist Church of Orlando, in Parramore, which had been founded late in 1899; Shiloh Baptist Church of Orlando is over 119 years old. Ms. Jenoria maintained her membership at Shiloh until August 1992 when she became a charter member of New Covenant Baptist Church of Orlando under, the Co-Founders and Pastor, Reverend Dr. Randolph Bracy, Jr., and Dr. LaVon Wright Bracy. Ms. Jenoria Hinson became an ordained member of The Diaconate ministry and is currently a “Deacon Emeritus.” Ms. Jenoria as a member of New Covenant, dotes on Reverend Dr. Leroy Rose, III, “her pastor” as she calls him.
Ms. Jenoria’s love for singing would bring worship to a new level whenever she sang one of her “Old Meter Hymns.” She, along with Ms. Jannice Richardson, sang a couple of her favorite songs to get the birthday party off to a great start.
One of her preferred old meter hymns is still “A Charge to Keep, I Have” by Charles Wesley.
A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify,
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.
and “Come Ye That Love The Lord” by Isaac Watts
Come, ye that love the Lord,
And let your joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne.
A certificate of Congressional Recognition was presented to Ms. Jenoria from Maxwell Frost, U.S. representative for Florida’s 10th congressional district. In addition to that was an unexpected guest, The Reverend Dr. Leroy Rose, III, Pastor and Lead Servant of New Covenant Baptist Church of Orlando who presented the certificate to her.
Throughout Ms. Jenoria’s 103rd birthday celebration, she was flanked by her “adopted daughter” and friend, Minister Shirley Carson, who does not miss a week without visiting her and trying to fulfill her every request. Ms. Priscilla Shellman made sure that Ms. Jenoria was served some of her favorite foods: “Fried chicken, collard greens, black-eyed peas, and cornbread.”
Although 103 years old, her mind is sharp. Her favorite book is The Bible; her favorite scriptures are Psalm 23 and Psalm 34. While still in viable health, Ms. Jenoria, participated faithfully in many ministries of New Covenant. She is a faithful member emerita of the Diaconate Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Districts 4 and 5’s ministry; Silver Strand’s ministry, Sunday School, and Monday Night Bible Study.
If you want a big hug and smile, visit Ms. Jenoria at Guardian Care Nursing and Rehabilitation Center where she chooses to be…she is readily able to give you a life lesson on the goodness of God, her LORD and Savior.