Ms. Corporate America Organization Gives Women A Platform To Excel

Desiree A. Cinada (left) Ms. Mompreneur 2023, celebrates her moment after being crowned by Catherine Clark, Ms. Corporate America 2019, and Kiara J. Mason, Ms. Mompreneur 2021-2022. Photo by Cilicia Anderson 

ORLANDO – Straight out of college, 21-year-old Anissa King began her journey into Corporate America. Just as quickly, she discovered the challenges women face in male-dominated industries.

The disparities prompted King to create a platform that emphasizes how much women deserve a seat at the table and their capabilities. It also turned out to be the genesis of her organization, Ms. Corporate America.

“This is going on our 16th year and has been an amazing experience,” King said. “Just the amount of lives we have been able to impact, to see a lot of women grow into their own.”

Several of the women who come in contact with King do so through the Ms. Mompreneur competition, a division of the Ms. Corporate America organization. This pageant-like competition is a tribute to moms who are entrepreneurs. The competition acknowledges their success and gives them a space to network and share their stories with others.

“Sometimes women come into the competition one way, and then when they win the crown, they leave a totally changed person,” King said. “It really helps boost their self-confidence and helps them to network and connect with other inspiring leaders and business professionals in the community; so it’s really a win-win.”

This year’s Mompreneur Crowning Ceremony was held on Saturday, July 22nd at the Rosen JCC in Orlando, FL. The winner, Desiree A. Cinada, started her entrepreneurial journey at the age 14 by practicing cosmetology during her years in high school. She developed a passion for beauty and fashion. That eventually waned as she started to attend college, with the end goal of pursuing a career in Corporate America.

However, the urge to continue in beauty and fashion kept tugging at her.

“I went into the 9-5 corporate field, and I truly believe that God sent me back to the entrepreneur field to let people know that no matter your background, no matter your circumstances, you still can live out your dreams (and) you can still create,” said Cinada. “He has given us the purpose to create, and in 2018 I opened up my first boutique. I realized it was greater than a boutique because as women would shop with me, they would say I love what you’re doing, I love how you carry yourself, I love how you dress, I love what you represent, and I love how you just spoke life into me.”

Cinada is a serial entrepreneur and as a multi-services consultant she focuses on beauty, fashion, coaching, and consulting. Her company, DAC Global Solutions, offers services such as faith-based business coaching, event hosting, inspirational speaker and brand influencer. She is also the founder of the fashion and beauty brand Belle Touche & Co. Additionally, her nonprofit, Logonave Noukapab, offers support and provides services and supplies to children in Haiti. Cinada also owns SHE Innovates Inc., which empowers women through resources and faith.

At the end of the recent competition, Cinada had a chance to slow down, something that she admittedly forgets to do. She used this opportunity to celebrate her accomplishments.

“I feel like the Mompreneur crowning ceremony was so necessary because it gave me that time to acknowledge my achievements and it was a feeling of restoration for me,” Cinada said. “It was a reminder that God has not forgotten about me because I have gone through a lot in my personal life and in my business. So I felt like this crowning ceremony — for me — was an honor that God did not forget about me. He heard my prayers, he heard my cries and through it all, with God’s help, I endured and didn’t give up.“

Cinada was crowned by Ms. Mompreneur 2021-2022, Kiara J. Mason, who was assisted by Catherine Clark, Ms. Corporate America 2019. Mason reflected on her reign; that the experience shifted her perspective from minimizing her accomplishments to inspiring other working moms who may struggle with prioritizing their many roles and responsibilities.

“As a community, as entrepreneurs, even as Black business owners, we need to know that we are worthy of being celebrated, and I know we are a diverse organization, but just for me to see a representation of winners that look like me, it was important for me to know that I to was worthy of recognition, that I am royalty as well, that I am appreciated in the community and that my efforts aren’t in vain,” Mason said. “The beautiful thing is just being able to be surrounded by other people and other business owners who may fill in a gap that I may need.”

After a successful reign, Mason was able to grow her business, Made to Maximize Marketing Agency, which she co-owns alongside her husband, Jerred Mason. She also has a nonprofit, Mommy Shower.

Mason, a full-time mom, said she was thrilled to crown the winner of this year’s competition. She used the occasion to offer the winner some words of wisdom and inspiration.

“We pour out so much, whether it’s into our husbands, our families, our children, our business, our nonprofit or organizations that we volunteer within our communities,” Mason said. “It is so important to take intentional time to care for you and remember how your cup is filled.”

As King begins to gear up for the upcoming Ms. Corporate America competition in June 2024, her hope is to continue to grow her platform and shine a light on the women making waves in Corporate America and the entrepreneurship world.

“I want to be able to build the organization into a household name and leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren to continue to build the brand even after I’m gone,” King said.

“My long-term goal is for the competition to be aired on national television. I believe when women unite, women excel and build a greater strength within our community for women to really change the game of how we are viewed in the workforce.”

For more information or to claim the crown, visit

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