ORLANDO – EMCOR Mechanical Services of Central Florida, Inc. (MSI) and 168 golfers recently teed up in support of Frontline Innovation Studios (FIS), an after-school academic enrichment program for middle school students. Over the last 39 years, MSI has raised over $2.1 million for education and outreach for the Children and Families of Frontline Outreach. The annual golf tournament at the Orange County National Golf Course held on October 20th, raised $142,000, toward Frontline’s 2023 – 2025 goal of $1.5 million which will support FIS in exposing youth to advancing technologies, equipping them with skills and tools to pursue careers in the future, and expanding their mindsets and appreciation for technology, faith and business. MSI’s founder Bill Dillard began supporting Frontline Outreach – which has since expanded into Frontline Innovation Studios – in the ‘80s and EMCOR MSI continues to support its mission to this day.