Orange County Supervisor Of Elections Partners With CareerSource Central Florida To Expand Job Training

Glen Gilzean

ORANGE COUNTY – In a first-of-its-kind partnership, the Orange County Supervisor of Elections has partnered with CareerSource Central Florida to provide job training for more than a dozen young adult interns in everything from data entry to voter outreach efforts, to cybersecurity awareness.

As part of the partnership, as many as sixteen young adult interns from CareerSource Central Florida will earn career training taking on various jobs at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office as the elections team prepares for the August Primary Election and the November General Election.

“This partnership will not only help support the elections staff but also provide critical job skills that can translate to career opportunities outside the elections office,” said Orange County Supervisor of Elections Glen Gilzean. “When we connect with our community partners, we expand what is possible while at the same time tapping into a workforce that we critically need in this hectic election season.”

As Orange County grows, the Supervisor of Elections Office has aggressively expanded early voting and day-of-voting locations to better serve voters. This growth requires a team of election workers beyond permanent staff during the primary and general elections.

“This collaboration is helping to create a dynamic career pathway for these young adults,” said Nilda Blanco, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives of CareerSource Central Florida. “At CareerSource Central Florida, we are passionate about helping youth explore meaningful career opportunities. This program allows them to experience hands-on training and gain an in-depth understanding of the important role the Orange County Supervisor of Elections office plays and the types of careers available in our community.”

About CareerSource Central Florida – CareerSource Central Florida (CSCF) is a workforce leader in the state of Florida, state and federally-funded with an annual operating budget of about $36 million. CSCF provides comprehensive career solutions to job seekers and local businesses by helping them find and hire talent, train and educate workers, and provide innovative workforce intelligence across the Central Florida region. In fiscal year 2023-2024, CSCF served more than 46,000 career seekers and 4,078 businesses. CSCF placed more than 6,400 individuals in jobs and helped advance skills for more than 1,864 career seekers across Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Sumter Counties. For more information, visit