OUC Shares Tips For Planting And Maintaining Trees

  • To ensure you’re putting the right tree in the right place, research the best type of tree for your landscape before planting it, taking into account the tree’s potential size, branch width and root system.
  • Pay attention to tree height when planting near powerlines. Trees that grow to less than 15 feet at maturity are suitable underneath aerial powerlines, such as Scrub Hickory, Weeping Bottlebrush, Crepe Myrtle, Wax Mrytle and Chickasaw Plum trees. Trees planted 20 to 50 feet from a power line should grow no more than 40 feet tall at maturity, and trees that grow to be more than 40 feet at maturity should be planted more than 50 feet from power lines.
  • Before starting any digging on your property, Florida law requires you to call Sunshine State One-Call at 800-432-4770 or 8-1-1 to find out where underground pipes and electric lines are located.
  • It’s important to maintain trees and other vegetation along power lines to ensure reliable electricity. Many trees planted near utility lines must be cut down or severely pruned to obtain the required clearance for reliability.
  • Always keep equipment at least 10 feet away from power lines and never trim trees near a power line, remove items entangled in a power line, touch a downed power line or climb trees near overhead power lines.
  • OUC trims trees along its distribution lines on a regular maintenance cycle and offers free tree trimming services to customers in need.
  • If you notice a tree interfering with power lines, please call OUC immediately at 407-423-9018 for Orange County residents and 407-957-7373 for Osceola County residents.

You can learn more about OUC’s tree trimming services on our website.