The Central Florida Black Nurses Association Of Orlando Recognized Nationally & Present For A Historical Reckoning And Awakening

CHICAGO, IL – The Central Florida Black Nurses Association of Orlando, Inc., was recognized nationally for having the highest membership growth and highest retention of members, midsize chapter, and for community services hours at the 50th Annual National Black Nurses Association Institute and Conference held in Chicago on July 26-31, 2022. There was excitement and loud applause in the room as we received each of the four Chapter awards, and Melissa Mercado received the Under 40 scholarship award. Eight members of the CFBNA proudly and humbly were present to accept the awards, Monica Akins (1st VP), Denise Brown (Treasurer), Connie Brown (Grant Chairperson and NBNA Board Member), Christa Clark (Nominating Committee Chair), Judith Clark (Board Member), Dorothy Jackson (Historian), Melissa Mercado (Under 40 Leader), and President Dr. Jennifer Sankey. The awards received were from the efforts of the entire CFBNA body, which has a current membership of 84. With joy and gladness, we thank each CFBNA member for helping us receive national recognition for our team efforts.

Another highlight of the conference was the learning sessions. Topics included Re-image Your Chapter, Financial Health, Health Advocacy, Leadership, and much more were informative, interactive, and inspiring, giving the CFBNA members new ideas on how to enhance and advance the services provided to you, our community.

At the NBNA conference, there was a historical moment of Reckoning and Awakening between the leadership of the American Nurses Association and the administration of NBNA under the leadership of Dr. Martha Dawson. In a room packed with standing room only, several CFBNA members witnessed leaders from the American Nurses Association apologizing to the NBNA leadership and the entire NBNA membership body for years of blocking their advancement in the nursing profession. At this moving event, we heard cheers and saw tears shed.

The NBNA conference culminated with an elegant President’s Gala on Saturday night and the Ecumenical services on Sunday morning with a moving message by Pastor Dr. William J. Lee, Sr. “Help is on the Way,” and concluded with Holy Communion. The CFBNA members had fun, fellowship, and gained information we can use in our organization to enrich our community’s services.

The CFBNA invites nurses living in Orange, Osceola, Lake, and Seminole Counties to join our thriving organization that offers numerous benefits. For information about our organization visit or send an email to [email protected].