The Democratic Black Caucus Of Florida Calls “The Ultimate Cancel Act,” Senate Bill 1248 Unconscionable

Senator Blaise Ingoglia


The State Democratic Black Caucus of Florida, its 26 local chapters, and some Republicans vociferously argue against the passing of Senate Bill 1248, “The Ultimate Cancel Act”. The bill was filed Tuesday, February 28, 2023 by Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia.

Trevor Mallory, President of the State Democratic Black Caucus, said, “This bill is based on something that happened with the Democratic Party more than 150 years ago. Today’s Democratic Party’s platform does not support oppressive policies of any ethnic group.”

“We can’t say the same for the state’s Republicans. They pass and support racist policies that will erased African American History from being taught in our schools; that tell educators in our schools and colleges what they can and cannot teach, that will allow anyone to carry a concealed weapon without a gun permit or training, that allow death sentences without a unanimous jury, and that further restrict abortion,” continued President Mallory.

Senator Ingoglia is going after the Democratic Party with this absurd bill which further divides the state of Florida and our country. His premise is based on the fact that Democratic conventions held in 1840, 1844, 1856, and 1864 when the Democrats backed a pro-slavery position.

Defending his bill, Senator Ingoglia said, “For years I’ve been watching leftist Democrats cancel people, places, and things for things that have happened in the past 250 years. I thought it was hypocritical that you have these Democrats wanting to remove statues or rename buildings because of things that tie back to slavery. Well, under that same metric, then, the Florida Democrat, the Democrat Party itself, should be canceled.”

President Mallory said, “Senate Bill 1248, if passed, could potentially wipe out the Florida Democratic Party, causing the State’s 4.8 million Democratic voters to re-register as no party Affiliate.”

Many who oppose the bill see it as a fascist hit on Democracy, a political stunt by Republicans for Governor Ron DeSantis, who will probably seek the United States presidency in 2024, a smokescreen to take the focus off the other oppressive bills they want to pass for Governor DeSantis, and an unconstitutional power grab by the GOP.

Newly elected Florida Democratic Party Chairperson Nikki Fried said, “I’m not surprised that Ron DeSantis under his administration would be behind a piece of legislation like this, canceling the voices of millions upon millions of Floridians here in the state of Florida. This is what a dictator does.”

“Although the “The Ultimate Cancel Act” may not make it for this legislative Session for discussion, which starts Tuesday, March 7, President Mallory said we must be mindful, watch the Republicans political actions and be strategic devising ways to make sure Florida voters are aware of what’s happening and give them the tools to act accordingly.