Toy Drive Inspires GOAA Employees To Give Back To The Central Florida Community

ORLANDO – Employees with the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) played the role of Santa’s helpers during a month-long Toy Drive for the Children’s Home Society of Florida, which provided GOAA with holiday wish lists for children ages 1 to 18. More than 120 toys were collected.

“This is just one of the ways our employees like to give back to the community,” said Kevin J. Thibault, CEO, GOAA. “The Children’s Home Society of Florida does incredible work to empower families who are going through difficulties, and their mission to serve these families is amazing. We are glad to partner with an organization that truly makes a difference.”

GOAA’s Human Resources Department spearheads the drive, which collects toys ranging from Lego sets, toy cars and trucks to video games, electronics and gift cards.

GOAA employees dropped items into collection boxes that were scattered throughout the airport complex and brought them to the annual Employee Appreciation Luncheon. The toys were gathered by the Children’s Home Society earlier today.