With all of life’s stress, it’s understandable that some people delay picking a health plan. Yet getting coverage has never been easier, more important, and even more affordable.
During this year’s open enrollment season, some may need to select a different plan, and everyone should review their coverage, budget, and health needs. To get a Health Insurance Marketplace plan that starts January 1, 2024, you have to enroll by December 15. Don’t worry, 94% of Floridians who enrolled in a Marketplace plan this year received financial assistance1 and more than a third of them paid $10 a month or less after that assistance.2
Florida Blue has local agents who can help you check if you qualify for a subsidy and explore other ways to save you money. By phone, virtually, or in person at a neighborhood Florida Blue Center, licensed specialists will help you pick the plan that’s best for you and includes the doctors and hospitals you want.
None of us plans to get sick or hurt. Waiting until the last minute, or until it’s too late, is not the answer. So, call 877-344-1458 or go to FloridaBlue.com/YourSolution and get started on your 2024 health and wellness journey with Florida Blue, your health solutions partner.
2. 2022 OEP State-Level Public Use File
Florida Blue is a trade name of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida Inc., an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.